HR Consulting

A service aimed at building an effective personnel management system in order to increase the effectiveness of its work.
Personnel consulting is a tool to reduce risks and increase the efficiency of working with your company's staff.

HR Consulting:

Human resources Administration

  • detailed analysis of the HR administration to determine organizational needs of a Client;
  • outsourcing of HR administration and setting up human resources department with a scratch;
  • development of labor agreements, job descriptions;
  • preparation of the HR documentation related to the recruitment, dismissal and vacations of employees;
  • formation of timesheets;
  • registration of the employees’ work-books;
  • formation of personal files of employees;

Development of motivational systems:

  • measurement of employees’ efficiency by using the KPI system;
  • development of internal regulations on bonuses and salaries;

Finding and recruitment:

  • search and selection of professionals in the field of economics and finance according to a Client’s given criteria.

Advantages for a Client:

  • by using HR consulting service you get the opportunity to focus on main strategic challenges of business development;
  • you get a high professional level of an Outsourcer’s services at an affordable price;
  • guarantee of confidentiality and preparation of all documents according to the legislation of Ukraine

How does it work:

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    evaluation of the current situation in the company in the context of human resource management

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    formulation of terms of cooperation and signing the agreement

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    provide services and feedback with a Client

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    the cost of HR outsourcing depends on the volume of services provided and deadlines.
